Hi, y'all! I'm Jayne from Smart Kids. Today I'm sharing some valuable assessment help especially for Kindergarten teachers. If you're not a K teacher, please share this post with kinder teachers you know because this info is going to save them TONS of time and sanity on their GKIDS (if you're in GA), SLOS, GLOS and report cards.
Here's the scoop. A while back I discovered ESGI—an online assessment tool for early childhood teachers. Next I made a test or tracking tool for EVERY standard included in the Kindergarten Georgia Performance Standards. There's more...I titled all of these tests so that they would match the GKIDS descriptions. (FYI for followers of the CCSS: The Georgia standards are almost identical, so keep reading!)
Here's what my own ESGI looks like:
For every area of the ELA curriculum, I made a test tab.
If you could peek into my own test explorer section, you would see a test for every standard that we enter into GKIDS. The name of each test matches the name on the GKIDS site.