Hey Y'all!
It's Erin from The Elementary Darling.
Today I am back for Technology Tuesday :)
I can't wait to talk to you about using a super simple app. Most of us have used the Pic collage app or something similar to create collages of our animals, kids, or other things. Have you ever thought of having the students use this app? Let me tell you, there are SO many ways for the kids to use this app. After a quick lesson on HOW to use the app, most of the kids were better at me than using the app.
Today, after learning about parts of a plant, my students used their iPads to create a pic collage of the parts of a plant. They really turned out cute. We took a walk around the school and I gave them free reign on pictures except the roots. I didn't want them pulling up every plant we had :)
You could use this for landforms, facts about people, or so many others! In reading we used this to show text features.
In math, we used pic collage to show different amounts of money.
Thanks for stopping in to see these different ideas. How can you use this app in your classroom? I would love to hear the ways you could use this. Comment below to share your great ideas!
Have a great rest of the week!