Hi Friends! It's Chandra from Teaching with Crayons and Curls! I am SO excited about my first post on this amazing blog with some amazing teachers from Georgia!
I am so excited to share Workshop Wednesday with you!
I am officially SEVEN days away from the last day of school! It's absolutely crazy, but- Oh. So. Exciting! I don't know about you but the end of the year can be completely chaotic- trying to get in all those last minute assessments, award shows, field, day, etc. So many exciting things going on! But, I really enjoy taking some time in between all the chaos to just read to my kids. It's one of my favorite things to do as a teacher. I wanted to share some of my favorite read alouds for the end of the year!
Last Day Blues is a classic last day of school book. If you don't have it, find one! It goes along perfectly with First Day Jitters (a must-have read for the first day of school) and is such a great read aloud to end the year with!
Another favorite my Julie Danneberg is First Year Letters! It's a book with a collection of letters written to Sarah Jane Hartwell during her first year teaching! Another great story to end the year! It's a great book to introduce memory books or have students write letters to future students about their year in your class! No matter what, it leads to a great conversation about all the fun you had throughout the year!
Grab these {Letters to Future Students} FREE in my store!
Dream Big, Little Pig by Kristi Yamaguchi has become one of my favorite books this year! One of my amazing colleagues let me borrow it one day and I ordered it from Amazon immediately! It's about this sweet little pig who has big dreams for herself and realizes to never give up!
After reading the book, you can have your students discuss their own dreams for their futures OR dreams that they accomplished this year! Grab these freebies!
Here are some other great read alouds for the end of the year:
I hope everyone has a fabulous end of the year! I'd love to know your favorite read alouds for the end of the year! Make sure to comment below with your favorites!