Hey y'all! It's Lacey from
The Fabulous Life of an Elementary Teacher :) I'm here to let you sneak a peek into my classroom!
I'm not sure if you've started back to school yet, but I'm one of the lucky ones who hasn't! I actually started back this week for pre-planning, and my students return Tuesday, September 8. We had Meet the Teacher Night on Thursday, and I got to meet all but 3 of my students. I'm very excited, and I think it's going to be a great year!
So, here goes nothing! Welcome to my 3rd grade classroom!
I LOOOOOOOOVE our classroom library area...I think it's important to have cozy places for the students to read!
Ignore the papers that are already stacked on my desk... |
My friend cut out the vinyl "I CAN" letters for me - I love how they turned out! |
This is my Lunch Count and attendance in one! It's so easy to take a quick glance to see who isn't in class each morning. The colored strips are Velcro strips, and I put a Velcro dot on the back of each student's star. I write the lunch choices on the blank cards each day (actually, I train a student to do this!), and students make their lunch choice first thing when they walk in the door every morning. |
This is where we will keep the most-used supplies. I am hoping to teach my students some independence by allowing them to grab what they need when they run out! |
The header isn't up yet - it will be tomorrow! :) |
Here's my tip: Have your students sort their supplies when they bring them in! It will go much quicker, and be easier on YOU :) |
I hope you enjoyed peeking into my classroom! Be sure to check back throughout the rest of the month for more fun from the Peaches!!