Hi everyone!!! This is Amy from The Land of 2nd Grade. I am here to give you a peek at a few of my FAVORITE spots in my classroom. So here ya go:
Here is my LISTENING center, that I absolutely LOVE! I took an old side table and painted it blue, then used chalkboard paint on the top to make a chalkboard table. I write on it weekly what page they are to turn to when they get their books and what number to hit for the CD to play. I have one person in charge of the CD player for each of my groups.
THEY LOVE IT and SO DO I!!! It makes it so easy to put together each week.
Another favorite part of my room is my 100 Point Club that I totally stole from Flapjackeducation.com when I saw it on Pinterest. This is also where I do my BOGGLE board for the week.
I do a 100 Point club for Class Dojo points every month. If the kids have 100 points by the end of the month, they get to have lunch with me in the classroom and get a sweet little prize as well. Here is my FREE points tracker if you would like to use it.
The last favorite that I'm going to show you is my teacher board by my desk. I love it because it's got pictures of my sweet babies (my REAL babies, not my students), and it keeps me SUPER DUPER organized.
I hope you enjoyed PEEKING into my classroom!! Would love to hear your comments :)