Happy Fall! It's Liz from Polka Dot Firsties and I'm excited to be sharing my fall favorites and a freebie with y'all.
Nice weather has finally hit Georgia for the last two weeks - perfect temperatures, sunny skies, and a light breeze. I was glad when October finally hit because the end of September was rain, rain and more rain. Ugh.
Here's a view of my favorite local hiking place - Sawnee Mountain. It's a quick hike so you can do it if you're short on time.
I try to spend as much time as possible outside because I know winter will trap me indoors. Check out this farm view from my co-worker's wedding earlier this month.
I also love all things candy corn, but I'm trying not to eat it this year. It's dangerous stuff!
October usually kicks off my themed weeks. If you don't plan it out, it's hard to squeeze everything in! This week my class is focusing on all things spiders.
Creepy! But they love it! Our reader has the Little Miss Muffett poem. It's the perfect introduction for spiders and poetry.
I really thought that the students would not be interested in the poem, but I'm surprised how many do not know the nursery rhyme!
I wanted students to dig in a little deeper to the poem. Students are able to glue a copy of the poem into their reading interactive notebook. If you don't have one, you can just print out the poem full sized.
Students circle vocabulary words and write the meaning above it.
I also included a reader's response activity where students decide where Miss Muffet went after she ran away.
Click {HERE} to download the Little Miss Muffet freebie.
Thanks for stopping by The Primary Peach's Fall Favorites and Freebies!