I wanted to share a tip on how to organize YOU! With teaching, comes a lot of paper. Too. Much. Paper. So, it's important to keep it all organized, otherwise your desk could end up looking like this!
My notebook goes everywhere with me. It travels to RTI meetings, team meetings, staff meetings. It's a great travel buddy! And, it's best friend is my Erin Condren Teacher Planner!
You know ALL those papers you get at the beginning of the year, and at staff meetings, and professional development trainings- they all go in my notebook. That way, anytime I need to find something I know exactly where to look! I also make sure to keep a copy of my class list, our schedule, and all my other important papers right at the front.
Like I said earlier, this notebook is a great travel partner and goes with me to all my meetings. I have a separate section for meeting notes. I just put them all in one section- team, RTI, staff, PLT, all of them! It makes it easier for me to find anything I've written down if they are all in one place. I keep extra copies of each page all paperclipped together in this particular section. Easy to grab the page I need at different meetings!
Since I teach in a multi-age classroom, it's important that we remember which activities we do with our class each year so we don't repeat the same things the following year. I try to keep track of what we do using these planning pages!
One of my favorite sections is my Weekly Planning Lists sections! I just LOVE to-do lists. I usually write on one of these each week and end up paper-clipping it inside my teacher planner! But, all my extra pages can be easily found! And, it's nice to add onto them during team meetings or staff meetings if I need to!
In order to separate each section, I just printed off the cover sheets on cardstock and laminated them! It made it super easy! And, they look pretty!
It really does have everything I need all in one place, and it's helped me stay super organized! I highly suggest using a notebook to help keep you organized!
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Happy Teaching (and Organizing)!!!!