I love the beginning of the year! Such the perfect time to set goals and jump in after a break to revitalize yourself! And that is exactly what we are doing here at the Primary Peach this month. The authors will be sharing different ways to get organized and start fresh for 2016!
I am going to share my secret organizational weapon.
Yep. A Clipboard? Is that too much of a let down??! Seriously, though, it was my catch all for very important papers.
I had a small black bookshelf behind my guided reading table. You can see it in this picture.
This is a close up. This shelf kept me somewhat organized. On the very top of the shelf I had a cute clip board. And it saved me!
I kept my weekly lesson plans attached to the clipboard. We did all our planning on the computer, so admin could access them at any time. I still liked to have a hard copy to reference and make notes on. I printed the plans and kept them on this clipboard.
I also kept my to do lists on this clip board. It had my to do lists. I lived by to do lists. I had babies and lost my mind. I had to write down EVERYTHING!!
Since my clip board is so...um...not thrilling I created this little freebie for you!!
I created some pages to keep on YOUR clip board to help keep YOU organized.
The freebie includes blank calendars to June to help you make a plan!
I also created this week at a glance form- one for school and one for home. I LOVE the home one and keep a copy on my fridge!!
There is also a form for long range planning, and my FAVORITE- A TO DO LIST! Yahoo! I just edited these so you can also use them for the 206-2017 school year! Click HERE to grab them!
I hope this helps you get organized for the new year!