Valentine’s Day Outfits for Teachers
Looking for outfits for the month of February? These are great choices for
Valentine’s Day outfits for teachers. All of these sweaters are less than
$35 ...
Fun & Easy Constitution Day Activity Ideas
Struggling to find a fun Constitution Day activity? Don’t worry if you’re
having a hard...
The post Fun & Easy Constitution Day Activity Ideas appeared f...
Easy Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas
Teacher appreciation week is upon us and I have a treat for you to give and
receive! Blessing teacher friends is easy with these quick…
Spring Text Features - Including Easter!
Spring has sprung, and a new season means new text features passages!
*First, let me tell you about how I teach text features in my classroom. *
- I ...
Coding Across the Curriculum
*Why Coding?*
Coding in kindergarten seems like an impossible task, but I've found that
students of this age are quite capable. I chose to introduce codin...
Charging Up Charts- Beginning of the year
Hello Friends! We have officially been back to school for four weeks! I
can't even believe that a whole month has passed. We have been working on
How to Teach Students to Build Reading Stamina
Creating an environment where students are able to read independently for
any given length of time, is important for more reasons that just to get
Back to School
August 1st...time to turn our attention back to ALL THINGS SCHOOL!
Eeeeeek...I stomach does butterfly flips every new back to
school season!
What are Reading Partnerships?
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New School, New Grade Level and More!
Hi All! Yep, I am moving from first grade to kindergarten and it was a bit
of a surprise for me too. Our small little school that I was in is moving
Mother's Day Ideas and a {FREEBIE}!
Hi Friends!
Let me start by saying Happy Teacher's Appreciation!! It's that time of
year when everything starts piling up, and it's really hard to keep...
The Pencil Grip Review and GIVEAWAY!!!
This month, I decided to try out these amazing Pencil Grips to see if they
would help my students correct their grips and improve their handwriting. I
All About Periscope at the Primary Peach
Join me at the Primary Peach tomorrow for a VERY basic introduction to
periscope. It is an easy way to get a peek into other classrooms around the
U. S. a...