Hello! It's ScrappyGuy. I've found a fun March idea for you to try out in your Math class. Last year was the perfect year to celebrate
National PI Day
You can still make use of this idea though. Pi is a Greek symbol that is used in mathematics to describe the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
March 14 (3.14) is known as National Pi Day. If you build up your day of activities to the final 1:59:26 time on that day, your students will be able to be a part of PI. Your students will get a huge kick out of these fun math ideas.
This first one I found over at TinkerLab where you can download this easy art activity to keep your kids engaged.
There's a great book from the same author as Sir Cumference and the Round table. This one is called Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi. WiseOwl has a great free printable for you!
There are also TONS of fun ideas you could do with actual pies on Pi Day. Have a Pi Eating Contest. Throw cream pies at a teacher, measure the circumference of your pie and checking it against the actual measurement of Pi.
Be sure to post your super fun ideas here.