So as I walked around I kept finding more new things (or things I didn't know they had!) that I had to share you! First of all, I love buying their brand of laminating sheets. They do just as good of job and they are so much cheaper.
I actually came to Walmart for more bath mats. The square mats are excellent for "Read to Self" or "Read to a Partner" time. My students love spreading out on the floor and these are only $5.77. The rubber basket I found was an awesome deal at $5.00.

The next thing I just fell in love with are these flash card rings. They were only $1.24 each, can you imagine the possibilities? Already pre-cut with the ring...just waiting for sight words, vocabulary words, you name it!
I had to get some of these, only $2.88 per package. I am going to put one on each student's desk in hopes we can keep more pencils off the floor!!
Walmart's small whiteboards are only $1.97 each right now. The best thing is, it includes the marker and the magnets. I bought some for my small groups.
I am in love with these cube seats! My colors this year are black, teal and green. So for $16.00, how can you beat it? I really want to add a couple of these to my reading center.
While in the stationary section, I picked up some clip tabs for my planner. I thought the cute flag stickers would be great for students to use during their independent reading, and the hand sticky notes.....I mean they're just cute, right?
Finally, I am in love with these chalkboard easels! I put one at each of my groups. You can read about how I use them here. They are under $6.
I hope you are getting your classroom "just right" and finding some great deals too!
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