You guys, I have a confession....I have a love/hate relationship with Halloween. There I said it. And the fact that this year it comes on a Monday. I can't EVEN begin. Not only is Monday going to be tough, but Tuesday too.
Plus, I have my own children at home who will be cray-cray. And don't get me started on all the candy I just start eating and can't stop.
So really, it's here. We have to just deal with it. But here's the huge dilemma......more and more students each year do not celebrate this day. What do we do to make sure everyone is included? Do you just ignore this day and keep on teaching? In my school, that is pretty much what we do. We can only have two parties a year and we have to focus on teaching and learning. And sad as it is, I have so much curriculum to cover, it's hard to deviate from my usual plans.
But if you can take time out of your plans and curriculum, you need to make sure everyone is included in your activities or have an alternative for your students who can't participate. Here's a few ideas to help you navigate the day (and the day after!):
1) Focus on STEM or Science Pumpkin Activities:
2) Focus on a non-fiction unit like Bats, Spiders or Owls:
3) Have some fun the day after Halloween:
Click here to download a pdf with clickable links to all the resources!
I hope your Halloween is awesome!