So, in order to spread kindness, I started a {Kindness Challenge} with my students! My group this year is pretty competitive, so they love anything that involves a challenge!
On the 100th Day of School, I sent home a letter and hearts! Students were instructed to complete acts of kindness for people they know or don't know and write about each act on a heart! As they completed the hearts, they had to send them back to school to add to our Kindness Counts board!
As hearts were coming in, I realized that my students really needed a better understanding of kindness and what it actually looks like! So, Amazon Prime to the rescue! I ordered some amazing books and we spent a lot of time discussing random acts of kindness and how they can be kind to others!
We even made an anchor chart to showcase all of their ideas! I mean, how sweet!!
It was so much fun reading the hearts and what my students were doing to spread kindness. We discussed the hearts each morning during our morning meeting and I loved starting the day in such a positive way! This is definitely something I will continue each year! Since I teach in a multiage classroom and have the same students for two years in a row, I came up with a different version to do next year!
I am in LOVE with the saying "Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti" and I love how perfectly the kindness challenge fits into it!
For this challenge, students will complete confetti pieces instead of hearts! This makes THE CUTEST bulletin board! Students can write about ways they showed kindness OR write how others showed kindness to them on confetti pieces!
If you are interested in your own {Kindness Challenge}, you can download the FREE Kindness Counts version here!
Or, you can get the {Confetti Kindness Challenge} here!
And, just because {KIND is the new COOL}!!!
Happy Teaching and Kindness Spreading!!!